Thursday, December 30, 2004

Love Case Studies ~ LCS5: Friendship

Platonic/Brotherly: I'm never quite sure what to make of the friendship with Dash's best friend Bizy. I'd say we're a support structure for the other but the truth is we can both stand just fine on our own. It is however a great relief to know there is a place of ease and comfort we can turn to.

I had to go away for 3 months during the summer (immigration issues). Bizy wrote to me that he missed me and things seemed blah since I left. My reply was 'I can't miss you. How can you miss something that's so much apart of you, you carry it with you everywhere you go?' I'm constantly referring to Bizy. as the Zen Master he wrote back 'Whose the Zen Master now?'

Bizy's life is at best chaotic. He likes a busy (hence the nickname)lifestyle and it suits him. He is ever calm and level-headed in the face of this onslaught. An air of serenity seems to permeate from his core no matter what.

When I returned he hugged me tight and wouldn't let go. Let me tell you the love I have for Bizy blurs the line sometimes, and while there's nothing romantic in the connection it's so close to that kind of love that I get confused. It's weird and hard to describe.

I know he is kindred. Chaos and pain is something we both understand. I've often thought if the lines of destiny had been draw just a tad differently that he and I would make a severely powerful couple. And tough like speaks to like in romantic relationships it's not the best idea, putting me up against someone that much like me would eventually lead to an explosion and we'd kill each other, have I mentioned how stubborn and strong willed I am?

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