Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Dash Sees Red

So Monday being my first day and all, I have tapped that part of Dash's heart that swells with pride. I deeply adore that he is supportive, patient and always standing there to catch me when I fall or pat me on the back when I succeed but sometimes it's the weirdest feeling in the world. His brown eyes dance with a flame of awe, this happens to be my favorite of all the looks he can give me, but often as not fear I will fail his expectations or disappoint him.

At any rate because of the nature of my previous job I really haven't had the time nor energy to be pretty. I mean, who exactly would I be trying to impress, the horses? Let's bother to take that a step further and say I bothered to dress up for the barn, in a matter of 15 minutes I will have my $60 designer jeans covered in either hay or horse snot because they sneeze and for some reason they must do this when you are standing next to their nose and of course their mouth shall be full of munched hay so they spray chunks of this all over your arm. Wait a minute! Are they perhaps allergic to the perfume you swathed on this morning? In another 30 minutes I will be wading around the piss wet pine shavings and slinging shit around the stall so the $120 sneakers are going to not only be full of said shavings poking me through my socks but when I finally take my shoes off they are going to smell like something died in them.

Enough frivolity and on to the point, I had done my hair and face and was wearing jeans purchased the weekend before while he was away. Jeans bought with the express purpose of bringing my clothing style into current fashion and to enable the tossage of certain 38lb overweight jeans in the garbage so as not enable me to gain weight again. I will NOT, be that size and weight again anytime in the near future!!!

So Dash comes home from work, I of course am scurrying around the kitchen preparing dinner and he can't stop saying,"I love your ass in those jeans!" Of course our roommate Will is standing there laughing his ass off, poor guy (divorcing ~ hence the new roommate ~ I mentioned him before in the old blog *reference Kanga or Roo) been feeling lonely of late and watching Dash chase me around the kitchen goosing me, caressing me and nibbling of my neck.

Now normally mind you I would be all over this kind of action from Dash because I have only recently figured out how to trip his trigger on purpose and when I want to. Usually he drives the sex bus, it's so totally frustrating at times!!! However I wouldn't dream of coming between my man and his dinner, wouldn't work anyway. So Will not feeling well (I think it was the 2 grown ups chasing each other around like teenagers that did him in, seriously we were the gag me twins!) goes to bed while we settle in front of the TV to eat. This is usually the time when Dash is tired cause it's Monday (those always suck the energy right out of you), full-bellied cause I'm a better than decent cook and nodding off in front of the TV. I get up to turn off certain lights, as must be done when you have a pre-teen in the house and 2 child like men to pick up after.

After a pass or two by Dash I notice his eyes are magnetized to my rear end. It was rather entertaining kind of like shaking string in front of a cat. He's all reclined out in the rocker and reaches out with one hand snags me, pulls me into his lap and begins nuzzling my neck, whispering in my ear and grabbing my boobs. I'm giggling like a school girl and my 12 year old daughter has now groaned in deep t'ween disgust and turned her I-pod volume to maximum.

I can tell he's serious and I'm rather enjoying the attention as he has now aroused himself 3 times in attempts to arouse me, which generally works but this time it is back firing on him and he's not used to this! Suddenly I have all the control and it's making him want to chase imaginary bugs!!! So I say,"Latta for you. Much later."

He kind of draws back and sighs,"Like a week later, kind of thing?"

I nod. I don't know about you but I do NOT like any kind of play going on down there when I am all a mess. I prize hygiene and am a devout believer that nothing bad should be served to your lover especially a considerate one! This would have been end game except he just could not keep his hands to himself. I warned him and warned him but his desire could not be swayed.

Finally he chases me giggling and screeching up the stairs and into the bedroom. So I thought okay we're going to play it like we are teens a little dry hump on top of the clothes, grouping and mouth action to satisfy him but, uhm... dude went for the red towels and stripped my clothes off in a flash. He's in such a panic to bed me that he's trying to hard and looses the solid.

Truly this only ever happens when he is dead-assed tired. I am always understanding and NEVER question him about why. Typically we would cuddle and the passion would just sort of fade out and we'd go back to watching TV or what have you. He however has yet to give up. He's kissing me deeply, caressing me gently and I am doing my darnedest to help things along with my hand. We switch up our positions and while I am giving him the best naked lap dance of his life I cum. Suddenly I am sitting on a stone, I quickly jam his hardness into me and begin to furiously fuck him for fear he'll disappoint himself again and then get a complex.

He's not only ripping the shit out of the sides he's drilling that well as deep as it will go. It's sheer agony having him in my cervix and OH SO GREAT! I swear to you Will had to have been seriously sleep deaf and dead to the world I was making so much damn noise, like a wild tiger in a frenzy. I'm biting him, scratching him, rising so far off his cock and plunging down with the greatest of ease, arching my back so far my hair is taunting his testicles. His orgasm feels as if it's going to ripe straight through the top of my skull, sensitivity to the male genitalia be damned I was still riding that stallion to the edges of insanity and beyond.

Both sated, lying quietly he says,"I love making love to you." And I am thinking to myself wasn't no love in this room!

And he continues,"But fucking you is otherworldly." We took primal to a whole other dimension. I don't know where it came from or if I'll ever get to visit that plane of existence again but damn if it wasn't the best fuck I have given or received!

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