Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Baby, roll those dice!

I haven’t fallen off the face of the planet but things have been extremely busy around here. Besides working which pretty much leaves me mentally drained with no desire to sit in front of the damnable machine there has been Christmas shopping and now Dash and I are toying with the idea of moving North again.

Over the weekend I had some horrible stomach thing that had me in agony at both ends. That was intensified by some In-law cliché hoop-la which basically left Dash and I tired, as this nonsense has been going on for 3 years now. I won’t get into it because I’m not the bashing kind and the story is to long to tell basically the women don’t approve because I have a mind of my own and speak my opinions and won’t just happily follow their ideals.

At any rate it effects my 11 year old more than it should and we are putting a stop to that now.

Monday was technical hell at work, systems rebooting on their own, freezing up and queues filling up for one person and not others, etc. Tuesday the owners were in so the TL’s were running around intensely upset and taking it out on us. Today I picked-up a shift to offset the Sunday I was sick. Through all of this I have been amazingly up beat laughing at all the absurdity.

I got a call back on a resume’ I put in 2 weeks ago and will be meeting with HR on Friday to take tests and talk about my goals so I’ll have a job to go to after the holidays hopefully.

Dash found a job up North whose starting pay is $65k a year and though he hasn’t fulfilled his dream (the whole reason we came to TO) we are all in a flutter about seeing were fate leads us as there may be a rent-to-own house in the Northern deal ( which is my dream) and his can be reached from the North as well so we’ll see where that roll of the dice takes us. Mostly it boils down to whether we stay or go there are positives and negatives to both sides but one of them has triple the salary he is making now and that’s kind of hard to pass up on without even trying.

I know all this is very vague but things are so up in the air right now I’d rather have my facts straight before I go blurting out half truths and things that may or may not happen besides call me superstitious when I get my hopes up and start spouting about how great things are going to be somehow a piano always manages to drop down on us.

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