Ah, Binner our roomie has had his absolute downs since he arrived in June. Within 48 hours of his arrival Dash had arranged a job for him. After 4 days on PSL (head office) told him that there was a minor technical problem and that they needed him to not go to work until it was sorted out. He waited a week and called, they knew nothing yet. So he waited another week and still PSL was lacking so he informed them he needed to seek employment elsewhere.
During all of this Dash had taken him to Rogers to get a local cell on our account so as to be discounted since we have cable and internet through them. I was flabbergasted thinking he should have waited until his first pay check to be purchasing anything. The only paycheck he received from PSL he spent on a computer and helped us out a little on the groceries. That was June.
Beginning of July he calls up an old acquaintance Re’al owner of a cell phone call center and was assured that there was a supervisory position available for him the following week. You guessed it the following week Re’al said that it would be a week more upon which he informed Re’al that he would need to seek employment elsewhere.
August arrives and he begins putting out résumés even one to the TH I was working at. It wasn’t really what he was looking for but it would have been money in the pocket except they didn’t give him a call back. So mid Aug. he gets a job with VIPM and they hold his first check.
The second check which was paid on the 1st of September is when things started to get really uncomfortable around here. Binner had missed the deadline for it to be direct deposited into the bank so he had to pick it up on Tuesday the 5th (due to the holiday) but he worked all day that day so he deposited it through the ATM. BIG Mistake. Scotia holds all deposits put into the ATM machine for 6 days. I had told him that and apparently he forgot. During all of this he has also promised me a job as his Administrative Assistant – because the hours are more conducive to C’s school schedule and apparently VIPM is very family oriented. As of yet it continues to be postponed.
At any rate when he moved in here it was agreed that he would pay ¼ of the rent, utilities, groceries and his entire own phone bill. It seems with him we are always waiting, it’s not like the guy is out to ruin us or even lie to us but so often what he says WILL happen doesn't. It had gotten tense around here a couple of times but this last one really tripped my trigger.
Yesterday evening when Dash and Binner returned from Ottawa Dash had our first installment of the rent. Binner is supposed to be giving us the same amount on Wednesday and again on Friday. I’ve already told him I’ll believe it when I see it. Same goes for the job offer that he swears he is straightening out today! We shall certainly see.
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