Saturday, November 27, 2004


I've been reading over other journals and taking quizzes at Quizzilla. My initiative to finish the first book "Retreating Hearts" is waning, the second book "Embrace" is screaming to be started, if I don't finish the 1st one I'm afraid I never will but my mood has turned as with the circumstances of my life. RH is of course my pain of loss and loneliness on the page while Dash and I were parted, but now that we're together again (brief summer vacation) I find myself romanced by the darkness, the danger of seduction is fair more powerful than the sorrow I felt only 2 months ago.

I was also wondering earlier today if the grunts and groans people make during sex is because they forget to breath while enthralled? It strikes me as funny and I can't remember if I allow myself to breathe. I must or I'da been dead long ago.

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