The 4 days of training hours weren’t half as bad as my hours this past week. Training ran from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. which suited my not loving mornings and got me home in time to see the family but not quite early enough to eat with them.
In case you didn’t know having dinner with my man and child is a huge thing for me. At one point Dash’s work schedule was so bad he was seeing his other daughter Miska (who lives 4 hours away and he only gets to visit her every other weekend) more than he was seeing us. There were many a long uncomfortable conversation about fixing this – which we did but it took almost a year. So when it affects us we are very careful to make sure everyone is in agreement that the sacrifice is worth it and that ALL of us are willing to contribute to whatever cause it is I am working for.
This week however I did not get home before 11 p.m. During the training the company did not bother to ask for our availability and so I was aware that the schedule was going to be nasty. I talked it over with the family and it was decided, if this was what the company required then we would all pitch in to help around the house and with our time (i.e. not seeing each other as much as we’d have liked) but only because we knew that it would end on December 20th. It was stressful when I first saw it (yeah I cried). I made effort after effort all week to tell the higher ups that I had limitations and when the schedule was posted it was almost a slap in the face because the hours I got were in direct opposition to what I had asked for.
Tuesday our Team Leader (TL – Richie) handed out a sheet asking for our availability (poor guy was bombarded by people with the exact same problem) to his credit he did listen to his team and was making the effort to make us happy and until yesterday I was afraid it was going to be wasted effort – because as hard as he pushed for it, it was still out of his hands because Ama (HR – Director) was the one making the schedule. I have to say I am pleased because all my requests but one were given within a half hour time differential. The one still outstanding is a minor glitch I think can be remedied in another week. It means the family has to make a concession for it but at least it is workable and we don’t always get everything we want.
I got my first pay check yesterday. I deposited it this morning as well as glancing over the new bills coming in and the news letters from school. Not to much to worry about for damage control which is good so I intend to spend the rest of this afternoon doing what I want to do because the rest of the weekend is going to be loud fun with the fam.